CLC 12
CLC 12 Overview
Grade 12 students will use Teams to access the CLC 12 online course.
CLC is a required course for graduation and is included on your transcript for Post Secondary applications. Additionally, it will be included in your calculated Grade Point Average. This course will allow you to investigate your plans for after graduation and post high school life. This will be a great opportunity for you to share your story of your journey through school since kindergarten. This class can best be described as a celebration of your time in and out of school for the past 13 years and researching your plans for the future.
The following assignments are included in the course:
#1 - Who am I?
Here you can share you passion and interests. What special qualities make you unique? What have you been most proud of? What experiences do you want to share? How do you want to celebrate your greatness? Make sure you include a picture or video of your Artifact.
#2 - Where am I going?
Here you can do some detailed research outlining your plan for life after High School. What are you planning to do when you leave Pen-High? Does it involve working? Further education? Are you going to see the world? What is your plan?
#3 - How am I going to get there?
After you decide what your option(s) are now we can share them with others. This can be used in your exit interview. You will need to have evidence from your research including Plan A, Plan B, Financial Plan, Work Hours completed, Resume and Cover Letter, as well as other valuable information. In the past others have created a video, slide show, and even a website to share with others.
#4 - Capstone Exit Interview - Exit Interviews take place in January and April
This is where all the work comes to an end. The exit interview is a formal interview with a community member as well as an educator. Similar to a job interview you will share your story and your plan after high school. This is a celebration of all the work you have been doing to graduate.